Women Self Help Group
Magan Sangrahalaya Samiti mobilized 12,000 rural women and formed 1005 Self Help Groups (SHGs) in 125 villages. These women Self Help Groups are saving their hard-earned money in 23 rural banks. The annual monetary transaction of these SHGs amounts to more than Rs.16 Crores. By forming Self Help Groups, these 12,000 rural women are saved from the clutches of money lenders and the vicious cycle of indebtedness.
Skill Training of Rural Women Entrepreneurs
In the Vidarbha region, the high cost of farming, the failing market for farm produce, adverse weather conditions, lack of alternative sources of income, and increasing debts led many farmers to commit suicide. In every village, the number of women-headed families has a increased.
Mechanization has thrown women labour out of farm work. The farmland that grew food for the families now grow only commercial crops and food is bought from the market; extensive use of chemicals and roundups destroyed the green leafy vegetables which were the major sources of nutrition for women; and the cattle that gave women subsidiary income were slaughtered on a massive scale. The working days of the women labour shrank and so did their earnings. These women labour, having no other skills and experience, were slipping into abject poverty.
In the year 2005, Magan Sangrahalaya Samiti (MSS) took up the mission of empowering these underprivileged rural women with productive skills, entrepreneurial ability, and leadership spirit. After many meetings and orientation camps, MSS trained 1400 SHG members. These rural women underwent entrepreneurship training in 40 national technical Institutes located in 20 states of India. After receiving the training, they were assisted in setting up rural enterprises. These enterprises produce and sell the product locally whereby the money is circulated within the village, strengthening the rural economy.